Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Things grown-ups do

1. Look at a million apartments, most of which are inaccurately described in their craigslist ads, and ask all of the appropriate questions (thanks, Angela, for pointing most of these out to me!).

2. Set mouse traps by themselves, without asking anyone else for help. Implied: not freak out after seeing not just one, but TWO mice in the living room in broad daylight.

3. Deal with car insurance claims representatives and the entire staff at Enterprise rent-a-car (they really will pick you up), sans parents, after a car accident.

4. Pay bills.

5. Go to work.

BUT I also get to stay out as late as I want (which means I'm usually in bed before 11), eat dessert before dinner, take road trips to Boston at the last minute, and live in a really cool city that is NOT where my parents choose to reside.

Do the pros outweigh the cons? Maybe . . .

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