Friday, May 23, 2008

Ms. Jenkins was the nicest teacher!

We had a 3 hour assembly this morning, which meant my kids had lunch at noon instead of eleven. It also meant that they were eating with the second graders. I taught first grade last year, and this provided me with a rare opportunity to see my students from last year (when I was teaching first grade).

The conversation went something like this:

Student 1: Ms. Jenkins was the nicest teacher! She gave us gum in first grade, and we had to make this big brain with it.

Student 2: Yeah, that thing was gross!

Student 1: But it was fun, though. I liked Ms. Jenkins.

Me: That was the FIRST DAY of school last year! How do you remember that?

Student 1: I don't know. I remember everything.

The same student brought me a Christmas card last year that said, "Dear Ms. Jenkins, you are nice in the mornings." Only the mornings. And it wasn't a mistake (I asked her about it).

It's funny what kids remember and what they forget. Praise God that they remember fun things and that I really did love them-- not that I yelled a lot and was almost always on the verge of tears.

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