Sunday, May 11, 2008

New neighbors/roommates

We got new neighbors! A cute couple-- Melissa and Graham- just moved into the apartment across the hall. She works for Anthropologie. And gets a 40% discount. I can tell we're going to be friends. :)

Then, later, Charlie and I were hanging out in the living room.

We're watching "27 Dresses" (super cute, by the way- much better than I expected). In the corner, I almost notice something gray-ish dart from the vicinity of one closet to the vicinity of another closet. The conversation went something like this:

"Did you see that?"
"Did YOU see that?"
"Did I see what?"
"You DID see it."

We have new neighbors, and mice.

The solution? Every single mice trap that CVS had in stock, and a 6-pack of beer to make ourselves feel better.

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