Sunday, November 16, 2008

Oops . . .

This might not SEEM directly related to teaching, but I promise that it is.

I was sitting in my living room earlier this evening, grading papers and finalizing a few lesson plans for tomorrow, when I heard the incredibly obnoxious and slightly nauseating sound of . . . a cat in heat.

More specifically, MY cat in heat. My male cat. Chasing my female cat. And, well, I won't provide any more sensory details (you can use your imagination).

The downside of being a a teacher at a charter school with an extended school day: you can't do things like, well, get your pets fixed. Soo . . . I'm hoping I'll be able to squeeze in an emergency pre-Thanksgiving vet appointment. Or find an incredibly generous friend to drop my cats off at the vet one morning. Or maybe take them to a vet that will board them the night before? The dilemmas I face.

Temporary solution: praying really, really hard that I don't go from owning two cats to owning 8 cats.

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